Metron institute

Zero Motorcycles regional distributor for Slovenia and Croatia

Meet the new Zero FXE

The History of the Future

In only 13 years Zero has grown from a startup in a Santa Cruz garage into an internationally respected brand that is revolutionizing the motorcycle industry.

Range On
Go farther on the Zero DSR and the Zero SR with a maximum of up to 359 km
Look Sharp
Fresh, modern color palette
Smarter Smarts
Cypher II and Cypher III operating systems deliver precise performance seamlessly for a consistent and superior riding experience
Rapid Recharge
Recharge 150+ kilometers of range in as as fast as an hour
Faster Fast
Smooth acceleration and off-the-line performance

Shred Silently


The Zero power-train delivers more torque than the most powerful 1000cc sport bike in production today. Seamless. Silent. Asphalt-shredding torque.

Without Fluids.


Our philosophy, add nothing to the machine unless it enhances the experience. The Z-Force® motor features a single moving part, no messy fluids, no clutch, and no transmission. Charge. Start every day at 100%.

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